Monday25, March 2019

Sebastián Desoisa and Cristina Albertazzi, winners of Puntuable Zonal Nacional of Playa Serena.

Image: Sebastián Desoisa and Cristina Albertazzi, winners of Puntuable Zonal Nacional of Playa Serena. | La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort

Sebastián Desoisa and Cristina Albertazzi have been the big winners of the Puntuable National Zonal that has been held at the Playa Serena Golf Club this weekend (23-24 March 2019). The competition has been marked by a great level of play and a lot of emotion.

Sebastián Desoisa has led the competition since yesterday among infant and alevin players and has been proclaimed winner with 147 strokes (+3), and three advantages.
Cristina Albertazzi has finished the weekend with a total of 155 strokes and has taken the first place in the classification of infant and alevin.


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Image of Sebastián Desoisa and Cristina Albertazzi, winners of Puntuable Zonal Nacional of Playa Serena. | La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort Image of Sebastián Desoisa and Cristina Albertazzi, winners of Puntuable Zonal Nacional of Playa Serena. | La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort
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