GOLF, fashionable sport in times of COVID

The practice of golf is related to the improvement of cardiovascular risk factors
Citizens' sports habits have been greatly affected by lockdown measures and subsequent restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While those who practiced sports intensively have been forced to considerably reduce the time they spend doing it and changing routines. The number of people doing moderate exercise has increased considerably.
Outdoor sport
Three out of every five Spaniards began to practice some sporting activity after the de-escalation, with a clear preference for outdoor spaces.
Golf courses have been one of the main beneficiaries of this new habit. Not surprisingly, in the post-confinement months the practice of golf has increased significantly. This is due to the preference for sports practiced outdoors and alone.
As the practice of golf is safe against COVID and also has a protocol validated by the Ministry of Health, prepared together with the most representative Associations and Federations, this process was logical.
This protocol was approved in full confinement, last May. And it had the collaboration of unions, CCAA and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. All this coordinated by the Secretary of State for Tourism.
The coronavirus crisis opens a unique opportunity to assess the impact that sport, physical activity and exercise can have on the life expectancy of citizens.
In fact, golfers have a life expectancy five years longer than the average for people of the same sex, age and socio-cultural level.
All kinds of benefits
Among the benefits attributed to this sporting practice are:
• decreased risk of hip breakage.
• reduction in suffering from diabetes.
• reduction in the probability of suffering a cardiovascular event.
• reduction of suffering from various types of cancer.
It has been shown that the practice of sport in open spaces, in addition to being consolidated as a priority, oxygenates the mind and body. Without forgetting that it enhances the synthesis of vitamin D.
In addition, the environment in which it is practiced helps combat and slow down mental illness. Another of the most immediate consequences of the pandemic that different experts are beginning to warn about. That is why golf is the sport in fashion.
A fashionable sport that is also increasingly ecological and integrated with the environment.