Friday17, December 2021


Image: GOLF AND NUTRITION, WHAT TO EAT DURING THE GAME | La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort

It is important to know what to eat during the game. Well, depending on the food we eat, our performance will increase or decrease.

In the past, performance nutrition and golf probably didn't go hand in hand. Now times are clearly changing in golf. And this always in pursuit of better performance.

It is not uncommon for the player to cover a distance of more than 10 km during a round. And depending on the topography of the course and changes in altitude, additional physical demands can be placed on golfers. This represents a significant loss of energy for the player.

Considering that a single round can take between 2.5 and 6 hours (depending on many factors), effective nutrition ensures that the energy requirements of the game are met. And in addition, the optimal state of hydration is maintained. The appearance of mental and physical fatigue through inadequate and / or inappropriate dietary practices will have a significant impact on the ability of the players during their performance.

Golfers who are dehydrated experience deficiencies in distance, accuracy, and distance judgment (that is, they underestimate distances to the pin). This compared to golfers who are properly hydrated there is a big difference. So if you've ever felt low on energy or even drained by reaching the 18th hole, the answer is here. You must correct your hydration and nutrition.

The best and worst things to eat and drink while playing golf: 

Food and drinks that maintain energy levels and hydration are best:

• Isotonic drink with little sugar

• Fruit (banana)

• Water

• Protein bar

Among the foods that we should not eat while we are playing are:

• Chocolate bar or Chocolate bars

• Alcohol

• Ultra processed foods / sweets

Your game and your handicap will thank you.

Unión EuropeaUnión Europea

"Alcaidesa Holding SAU (La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort) ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es impulsar la incorporación de las TIC a la actividad habitual de las pymes y gracias al que ha implementado herramientas colaborativas para la gestión de proyectos y estrategias de comercialización on-line, para mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y el acceso a las mismas durante el ejercicio 2021. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del programa TICCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio del Campo de Gibraltar”.
Una manera de hacer Europa.

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