Monday25, May 2020


Image: ALCAIDESA LINKS GOLF RESORT LAUNCH ITS SHOP ON LINE | La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort

Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort has launched its own Shop On line, to buy golf packages and golf passes.  We have created in our web site, our own Shop on line, in order to make easier to our customers shop our new golf packages and passes. 

Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort is betting for the new tecnologies in order to make accesible all their products to our customers. With our new opening the last 18th of May, we have launch and create new and atractive golf packages and golf passes. All of them are create in order to cover the needs of our different customers. 

Trought our web site, with just a click on "Shop on Line" all our customers could consult and buy our new LIMITED promotions, detailed bellow: 

- 10 GREEN FEES PACKAGE (Alcaidesa Links y Heathland)  € 399,00

- MONTHLY PASS( Alcaidesa Links & Heathland con buggy incluido) € 550,00

- SUMMER PASS (Alcaidesa Links & Heathland)  € 699,00

- ALCAIDESA HEATHLAND PASS WITH BUGGY ( Valid until 31/12/2020)  € 750,00

- ALCAIDESA LINKS & HEATHLAND PASS WITH BUGGY ( Valid until 31/12/2020)  €1.200

We have a great selecction for all the publics and needs, with really atractive rates. Those products could be bought now in any moment troght our web site. All with a large validity having in consideration the actual situation. 

You could consult our Shop on Line and check all the details of our products. Buy now and get those limited new offers!! Take advantage and do not miss your pass, Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort is looking forward to welcome you!! Check now: 


Unión EuropeaUnión Europea

"Alcaidesa Holding SAU (La Hacienda Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort) ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es impulsar la incorporación de las TIC a la actividad habitual de las pymes y gracias al que ha implementado herramientas colaborativas para la gestión de proyectos y estrategias de comercialización on-line, para mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y el acceso a las mismas durante el ejercicio 2021. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del programa TICCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio del Campo de Gibraltar”.
Una manera de hacer Europa.

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