Sebastian Despisa, a star in Alcaidesa !!

Sebastian Desoisa, from a young golf promise in his beginnings at the Alcaidesa Golf Academy to rub shoulders with the best golf players in both National and International championships.
An innate talent is this boy who, always supported by his family, has managed to position himself in the international ranking, with a long list of tournaments and awards behind him despite his young age.
What's more! He has already the Alcaidesa Links record and now, he has added the Heathland record as well, shot a magnificent 64!
Además, el pasado 11 de Agosto 2021,¡volvió a batir un record! Ya tenía el record del Campo Links y, ahora también ha conseguido el record en el Campo Heathland ¡con 64 golpes!.
From Alcaidesa we want to praise his career, since he has always carried the name of Alcaidesa ahead.
Thanks Seby, keep it up!!